


主演:阿梅瑞科·席尔娃,乔治·佩里奥拉,Josh Berresford,丹达




New Morals for Old was the teasing title for a somewhat sedate film about the ongoing rejection of middle-class values by the youth of America. Robert Young, Myrna Loy, Donald Cook and Margaret Perry are among the freethinking young folk whose attitudes clash with those of their elders (including Lewis Stone, Laura Hope Crews and Jean Hersholt). The film's main crisis is nothing more scandalous than Robert Young's plans to pursue an art career over his father's objections. In an ironic coda, the younger people eventually marry, settle down, and become moralistic fuddy-duddies themselves. New Morals for Old was based on the John Van Druten play After All, which was set in London and thus added class consciousness to the basic generation-gap theme.

Haunted by the death of his father and other psychological traumas, Daniel (Roberto Scorza) returns to the home where he was raised. Faced with intense emotional scars, as well as physical -- which are realized by the years of self-harm depicted by the cuttings adorning his body -- he enters the bathroom to begin a journey of self-exploration, self-mutilation and quite possibly, self-enlightenment. Prepared only with three white candles and some crude instruments, Daniel attempts to beckon the embrace of the Goddess Ishtar (Flora Giannattasio) to assist him on his self-illumination. Beginning with a blade, Daniel digs into the palm of his hand, as deep crimson flows into the bathtub. Lapping up the blood from his fresh gash he sexually caresses the wound with his tongue (ala cunnilingus), thus commencing his voyage.







视频本站于2025-02-19 03:02:30收藏于/影片特辑。观看内地vip票房,反派角色合作好看特效故事中心展开制作。特别提醒如果您对影片有自己的看法请留言弹幕评论。


  • 1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看《跨越死亡线》?
  • 深圳影院网友:在线观看地址:https://www.sswh0755.com/voddetail/408337285.html
  • 2、《跨越死亡线》哪些演员主演的?
  • 网友:主演有阿梅瑞科·席尔娃,乔治·佩里奥拉,Josh Berresford,丹达拉·玛丽安
  • 3、《跨越死亡线》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 网友:2020年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。
  • 4、《跨越死亡线》如果播放卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。
  • 5、手机版免费在线点播《跨越死亡线》哪些网站还有资源?
  • 网友:芒果TV爱奇艺优酷视频百度视频
  • 6、《跨越死亡线》的评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:比第一部好看,剧情不磨叽了,主要角色不拖后腿。第一次看到跨越死亡线直接就爱了。跨越死亡线剧情懂得扬长避短,让声音做主角。省去没人想看的废话,省去没人想看的感情戏,一切以场景为中心来设计,而每个场景又都以声音为中心,咋呼、轻响、寂静形成节奏,然后一秒钟不多待就出字幕。很少有音效师能感觉自己这么核心吧?
  • 百度视频网友:电影前的回忆闪回让观众们完美过渡 没看过前作的朋友也毫无压力 相比第一部演员有所升级
  • 豆瓣电影网友:《跨越死亡线》感太割裂了,一边频频被视觉设计上的创意惊艳到,一边又不知道导演在吃力地表达什么!首先要说明一点,抛开所有片外因素,这部片子我看得很爽。
  • 喜欢“跨越死亡线”的同样也喜欢的视频

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