在早已逝去的江户时代,武士阶层中有一个特殊的群体,他们就是专为将军或者藩主准备料理的菜刀武士(包丁侍),虽然无法上阵杀敌,但手中的菜刀确实丝毫不亚于武士刀的重要存在。加贺藩首屈一指料理人舟木传内(西田敏行 饰)年事已高,原本作为继承人的长子突然病逝,而次子安信(高良健吾 饰)专爱舞刀弄剑,厨艺却令人不敢恭维。在藩内一次盛大的宴会上,藩主侧室阿贞夫人(夏川结衣 饰)身旁一个貌不惊人的侍女,却凭借着出色的味觉和对料理的才学感悟令传内所钦佩。在此之后,传内再三恳请,终于让名叫小春(上户彩 饰)的侍女同意嫁给安信为妻。小春过门后,通过一场料理对决令丈夫甘心随她学习厨艺。
Nikita and Zoe are two conflicting personalities living in exile in Bulgaria. After the deaths of significant people around them, they are forced to go on the run with the intention of discovering a new life in St Petersburg. However, while awaiting clearance and hiding out in Budapest, their strong desire for one another and their contrasting extreme conflict creates further problems and drives them to Kiev. The world seems to be crashing down around them, so they try again to remain free from sight. Unfortunately Zoe's morbid curiosity takes her on wishful hunt for redemption, but instead the pursuing parties determined to find them converge and discover an incredible secret held by Nikita. They capture Zoe and hold Nikita to ransom. He's been holding information that will make or break a catastrophic world event. He reveals his secret to have her freed, but unbeknown to the captors and captives...
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